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\n \n The Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance™ (MMP)\n \n


\nThe MMP assesses how people currently perform at work and elsewhere. It indicates which possible contributing factors might be strengthened to enhance performance. The MMP accurately differentiates between individuals to help recruit, hire, promote and retain high performers for enhanced organizational productivity and profitability.\n

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\n \n Distinguishing Features of the Bar-On MMP\n \n


This assessment is unparalleled in how it measures human performance.

The MMP is the crowning success of the Bar-On brand in assessment development to date.It describes how well individuals are performing and how they can improve their performance.It can assess changes in performance multiple times.
The MMP is based on a comprehensive performance model of the whole person.It applies a scoring method that produces enhanced accuracy of performance results.It distinguishes what underlies performance based on current behavior.
The MMP assesses individuals, as well as groups and organizations of any size.It offers sets of interactive reports for all business needs.Its assessment and reports run on sophisticated online platforms.
The MMP is the crowning success of the Bar-On brand in assessment development to date.
It describes how well individuals are performing and how they can improve their performance.
It can assess changes in performance multiple times.
The MMP is based on a comprehensive performance model of the whole person.
It applies a scoring method that produces enhanced accuracy of performance results.
It distinguishes what underlies performance based on current behavior.
The MMP assesses individuals, as well as groups and organizations of any size.
It offers sets of interactive reports for all business needs.
Its assessment and reports run on sophisticated online platforms.
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'} ); pipeMMP1place( 'pipeMMP1body', {'element':'slideshow','html':'

\n \n The MMP in More Depth\n


\nThe MMP offers impressive depth in understanding performance, and many creative ways in which to use it. \nSee a brief presentation and learn about the factors that the MMP assesses. \nConsider how the MMP can guide your performance objectives and success.\n

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\n \n The MMP is Based on Science\n


Every organization monitors outcomes, but few monitor employee performance. Employees are an organization\'s best asset with infinite potential for growth.




In search of why some people perform better than others, Dr. Reuven Bar-On has studied human performance within the workplace for over 35 years. Now in its fourth edition, and in collaboration with Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, the MMP is statistically validated for use with diverse populations.




MMP scores are standardized, meaning that individual and group results can be calibrated based on a general norm for comparative interpretation, or based on one of the specialized norms based on gender, age, generational cohort, educational level, work sector, managerial position, and citizenship.




Performance profiles can be considered alongside that of a general benchmark, where the average is set as a T score of 50 (ranging from 0 to 100). Other benchmarks include: (a) one\'s personalized perception of performance; (b) a specific target determined by the context in which the MMP is applied; and (c) a specific group\'s performance. Consider using star performers, high-performing leaders, or remote workers as a benchmark — and there are numerous other possibilities as well.

'} ); pipeMMP1place( 'pipeMMP1body', {'element':'report_sets','html':'

\n \n A Glance at the MMP Report Sets\n


\nShare our vision, and access a growing number of MMP reports based on the performance results of individuals and/or groups. \nThey are organized into report sets to meet your specific business needs.\r\r\r\n


Click on any of the applications below to learn about the report sets inside.


Broad Workplace Applications

\nPublic Relations ≻ \n
To introduce and interest\n
Report Sets
Show & Tell:to try out the assessment(set of 4 reports)
Causes & Complements:to spotlight special topics(set of 6 reports)
Report Sets
\nShow & Tell:\n
to try out the assessment\n
(set of 4 reports)\n
\nCauses & Complements:\n
to spotlight special topics\n
(set of 6 reports)\n
\nEmployment Suitability ≻ \n
For hiring and positioning\n
Report Sets
Vocational Counselling:for studies and career direction(set of 7 reports)
Recruitment & Selection:for performance screening, interviews(set of 3 reports)
Job Placement & Fit:for job matching, entering managerial positions(set of 3 reports)
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion:for support in bias reduction(set of 6 reports)
Report Sets
\nVocational Counselling:\n
for studies and career direction\n
(set of 7 reports)\n
\nRecruitment & Selection:\n
for performance screening, interviews\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nJob Placement & Fit:\n
for job matching, entering managerial positions\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nEquity, Diversity, & Inclusion:\n
for support in bias reduction\n
(set of 6 reports)\n
\nTalent Management ≻ \n
For human resources outreach initiatives\n
Report Sets
Workforce Optimization:for deeper perspectives on employee segments(set of 5 reports)
Change Management:for monitoring retention, stress, job satisfaction(set of 5 reports)
Targeted Benchmarking:for leaders, remote-hybrid workers, star performers(set of 4 reports)
Succession Planning:for on- & offboarding, and care in between(set of 3 reports)
Report Sets
\nWorkforce Optimization:\n
for deeper perspectives on employee segments\n
(set of 5 reports)\n
\nChange Management:\n
for monitoring retention, stress, job satisfaction\n
(set of 5 reports)\n
\nTargeted Benchmarking:\n
for leaders, remote-hybrid workers, star performers\n
(set of 4 reports)\n
\nSuccession Planning:\n
for on- & offboarding, and care in between\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nEmployee Improvement ≻ \n
For coaching and mentoring\n
Report Sets
Personal Growth:for personal or competency development(set of 3 reports)
Group Enhancement:for group functioning and development(set of 3 reports)
Facilitated Learning:for training and learning via a workbook, journal(set of 3 reports)
Constructive Feedback:for interview support, 360 insights(set of 3 reports)
Report Sets
\nPersonal Growth:\n
for personal or competency development\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nGroup Enhancement:\n
for group functioning and development\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nFacilitated Learning:\n
for training and learning via a workbook, journal\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nConstructive Feedback:\n
for interview support, 360 insights\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
\nStrategic Outlook ≻ \n
In thinking forward\n
Report Sets
Special Interests:in leadership, resilience, well-being, future developments(set of 5 reports)
Return on Investment:in strategy, collaboration, tracking, program success(set of 5 reports)
Report Sets
\nSpecial Interests:\n
in leadership, resilience, well-being, future developments\n
(set of 5 reports)\n
\nReturn on Investment:\n
in strategy, collaboration, tracking, program success\n
(set of 5 reports)\n
\nBody of Science ≻ \n
By sharing and caring\n
Report Sets
Presentations & Research:by working with data and prepared results(set of 4 reports)
Report Sets
\nPresentations & Research:\n
by working with data and prepared results\n
(set of 4 reports)\n
\nGold Standards ≻ \n
To lay the groundwork for tailoring\n
Report Sets
Precursors to Performance:to prepare for job analysis, training, benchmarks(set of 3 reports)
Report Sets
\nPrecursors to Performance:\n
to prepare for job analysis, training, benchmarks\n
(set of 3 reports)\n
'} ); pipeMMP1place( 'pipeMMP1body', {'element':'clients','html':'

\n \n Who Stands to Benefit From the MMP\n


\nOrganizations and professionals who are forward-thinking, are keenly aware of the critical importance and value of efficiently evaluating and enhancing performance. \n


The MMP offers solutions to a wide range of sectors. Click on any of these business types to learn more:

\nCorporate Solutions ≻ \n
Create a cohesive workplace culture and optimize your talent pool\n
  • Human Resources cultivating leadership\n
  • Recruitment agencies identifying talent\n
  • Executive coaches strengthening skills\n
  • Facilitators conducting workshops and programs\n
  • Professional consultants providing expertise\n
\nPublic Services ≻ \n
Contribute meaningfully in serving your community\n
  • Law Enforcement, including SWAT and other tactical units\n
  • Emergency Management\n
  • Healthcare\n
  • Education\n
  • Government Services\n
\nIndividual Development ≻ \n
Enhance your job satisfaction, and achieve work-life balance\n
  • Senior executives looking to reposition\n
  • Employees seeking greater job satisfaction\n
  • Employees interested in promotion or another job\n
  • Candidates looking to enter or re-enter the job market\n
  • Pre-retirees planning for retirement\n
\nResearch and Publishing ≻ \n
Strengthen your methodology, contributions, and organizational initiatives\n
  • Universities and Colleges\n
  • Professors and graduate students interested in performance\n
  • Researchers in various disciplines\n
  • Human-performance authors and publishers\n
  • Organizational development professionals\n
'} ); pipeMMP1place( 'pipeMMP1body', {'element':'ip','html':'

\n \n Ownership and Creation of the MMP\n


\nThe current version of the MMP was co-developed by Dr. Reuven Bar-On and Dr. Carina Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, and copyrighted by Into Performance ULC, which publishes it in Canada.\r\nDr. Reuven Bar-On created and copyrighted the previous versions of the MMP.\n

'} ); pipeMMP1place( 'pipeMMP1body', {'element':'more','html':'

\n \n Explore More About the MMP\n


\nInside an MMP Report ≻ \n
Watch a video\n


\nThis video uses an example report to demonstrate how an individual\'s performance results might be presented. \nView how the user is able to interact with the graphed performance results and can chart their own path of learning and understanding interactively, using multiple features available to them with ample supports through the MMP\'s modern web-based reporting platform.\n\n

\nOverview Presentation ≻ \n
View a slideshow\n

\nThe MMP offers impressive depth in understanding performance, and many creative ways in which to use it. \nSee a brief presentation and learn about the factors that the MMP assesses. \nConsider how the MMP can position you for the success you want.\nReflect on how the MMP could support you wherever performance is at stake.\n

\nThe MMP Factors ≻ \n
Factors assessed\n

\nThe Bar-On model of human performance provides a validated way to present comprehensive results. This model consists of 18 core factors, grouped into five categories.\n


Core Factors Assessed by the MMP

Discomfort Tolerance
Applying Experience
Finding Meaning
Discomfort Tolerance
Applying Experience
Finding Meaning

In the MMP, the core factors that contribute to the individual\'s performance are distinguished from ring factors, which describe how performance is displayed at work and elsewhere.


Ring Factors Assessed by the MMP

Working Impactfully
Working Hard
Working Smart
Working Sustainably
Working to Grow
Working Impactfully
Working Hard
Working Smart
Working Sustainably
Working to Grow

To learn more, explore the MMP\'s factor descriptions

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nHuman Performance in the News ≻ \n
Quotable findings\n
42% \nmore profit from employees with good job fit\n- AON\n 36% \nmore revenue from employees with good job fit\n- AON\n
87% \nof organizational leaders say that data enhances their credibility\n- Qlik\n 24% \nof overwhelmed and less-productive colleagues affect team performance\n- VitalSmarts\n
63% \nhigher likelihood for employees experiencing high risk for burnout to take a sick day\n- O.C. Tanner Institute\n 85% \nof employees would consider leaving their organization over an unfair performance review\n- Reflektive\n
69% \nof employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized\n- PwC\n 45% \nof HR leaders think annual performance appraisals provide inaccurate reviews of employees' work performance\n- CoreAxis\n
64% \nof managers say they don't think their own employees will be able to keep pace with skills needed in the future\n- Gartner\n 39% \nof employees would work harder - are more industrious - if they are happy in their current role or place of work\n- One4all\n
57% \nof employees will be more productive, loyal, and take less time off work if their employer proactively supports their mental well-being\n- Health Shield\n 92% \nof employees are open to their organization collecting data on their work if it improves their performance or well-being, or generates personal benefits\n- Accenture\n
42% \nmore profit from employees with good job fit\n- AON\n
36% \nmore revenue from employees with good job fit\n- AON\n
87% \nof organizational leaders say that data enhances their credibility\n- Qlik\n
24% \nof overwhelmed and less-productive colleagues affect team performance\n- VitalSmarts\n
63% \nhigher likelihood for employees experiencing high risk for burnout to take a sick day\n- O.C. Tanner Institute\n
85% \nof employees would consider leaving their organization over an unfair performance review\n- Reflektive\n
69% \nof employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized\n- PwC\n
45% \nof HR leaders think annual performance appraisals provide inaccurate reviews of employees' work performance\n- CoreAxis\n
64% \nof managers say they don't think their own employees will be able to keep pace with skills needed in the future\n- Gartner\n
39% \nof employees would work harder - are more industrious - if they are happy in their current role or place of work\n- One4all\n
57% \nof employees will be more productive, loyal, and take less time off work if their employer proactively supports their mental well-being\n- Health Shield\n
92% \nof employees are open to their organization collecting data on their work if it improves their performance or well-being, or generates personal benefits\n- Accenture\n
\nTry the MMP
right now!

\nThis limited offer is a great way to experience the MMP assessment first-hand, and you\'ll immediately receive a free MMP™ Résumé Round-Out with your top four performance strengths! \nOnce completed, you can upgrade to a full report, and an optional debriefing of your results by contacting an MMP Specialist. \n

\nIncreasing MMP Participation ≻ \n
Interesting totals and ratios\n

\nClose to 5,000 individuals have completed the MMP to date, and this number is growing rapidly. Females and males between 18-80 years of working age completed the MMP. What do they look like?\n


MMP Completions Based on Cleaned Data

Under 30 years of age: 17.5%
60+ years of age: 8.9%
People with no managerial responsibilities: 30.1%
People in top executive positions: 10.0%
People with any number of direct reports: 27.9%
\nPublished Work ≻ \n
Useful references\n
\nBar-On, R., and Fiedeldey-Van Dijk, C. (2022). The Bar-On model and multifactor measure of human performance: Validation and application. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 1-19. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.872360\n

Abstract: In this article, we describe the ongoing validation and application of the Bar-On model of human performance that is assessed with the Multifactor Measure of Performance (MMP). The MMP is a psychometric instrument designed to study, evaluate and enhance performance. We discuss the meaning and importance of performance, and explain the need for creating and applying a comprehensive model and measure of this construct. To address this need, the MMP is structurally organized to assess and strengthen 18 Core Factors that contribute to performance. Five Ring Factors were added to facilitate a deeper understanding of leadership, industriousness, productiveness, burnout avoidance, and coachability. Together, they represent a multifactor approach that focuses on current behavior of the \"whole person\" by evaluating physical, cognitive, personal, social, and inspirational factors combined. We discuss the properties of the MMP\'s normative population, as the baseline for accurate reporting, tailored to different workplace activities and needs. We conclude with recommendations for researchers and practitioners to apply this model and measure. Possible limitations of the research conducted are also discussed, together with the need for additional studies to address them.


\nVisit the MMP Website ≻ \n
For additional information\n
\n \n
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\n \n MMP Tidbits\n


Suitable Age Range:Anyone between 18 to 80 years of age
Assessment Length:120 statements, rated on a 9-point scale from \"never\" to \"always\"
Assessment Time:An average of 20 minutes
Readability:Minimum level of Grade 5
Language Availability:English and Mexican Spanish, with more translations planned
Accreditation:Required to knowledgeably interpret most MMP reports
Dashboard Administration:No accreditation required to use
Report Packaging:Each report set addresses a particular business need
Suitable Age Range:
Anyone between 18 to 80 years of age
Assessment Length:
120 statements, rated on a 9-point scale from \"never\" to \"always\"
Assessment Time:
An average of 20 minutes
Minimum level of Grade 5
Language Availability:
English and Mexican Spanish, with more translations planned
Required to knowledgeably interpret most MMP reports
Dashboard Administration:
No accreditation required to use
Report Packaging:
Each report set addresses a particular business need
'} );